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atari st造句

"atari st"是什么意思  
  • " i had planned for a moment to add emulator functionality atari st and gba , but i m not sure about this
    “我已经花费了一些时间来添加模拟器功能( atari st和gba ) ,但是对此我还不十分确定。
  • This porting effort was quickly extended to cover the atari st series computers , although only systems with an mmu were supported
    这种移植迅速扩展到了整个atari st系列计算机,虽然只有安装了mmu的系统是受支持的。
  • It's difficult to see atari st in a sentence. 用atari st造句挺难的
如何用atari st造句,用atari st造句atari st in a sentence, 用atari st造句和atari st的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。